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Stock Available: 100 units

Referral Code: 135zDHv

Referrer: wellhealth

MYR 18.90

    Recommendable for shoulder stiffness and muscular ache. Newly-formulated which contains Benzyl Nicatinate and Vanillylamide Nonylate as active ingredients relieves shoulder stiffness and muscular aches. Less Smell formulated. The new formulated NEW AMMELTZ YOKO YOKO is now less smell. For those who dislike strong smell may now enjoy without worried with this new less smell formulation. Bending shape easy to apply. With improved bending neck shape bottle for easier handling and may perfectly reach any affected parts of body, even on the back and/or hip.

SKU: 101287

Categories: Over The Counter,

Stock Availability 100 units
Weight 0.3 kg
Categories Over The Counter,

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